Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Nitty Gritty

This is the view to which we opened our eyes yesterday. 

Pollution. Lots of pollution. Terrible, awful, dangerously high levels of pollution. 

Some people can't handle it. It hurts their eyes, their noses, their lungs, their heads.   It adversely affects their health and well being. 

They employ filters to make it tolerable. They stay indoors and try to ignore it. But it comes in through the cracks anyway and covers everything inside and out with a thin layer of filth. 

Over time, many develop a dislike for Seoul because of it.  They want to go back home where everything looks and feels just fine, where it's easy to forget the bad and focus on the good. They want the familiarity of false sunshine and rainbows. 

Not me. I appreciate the nitty gritty. I crave it, in fact. It's down and dirty and real. It reminds me of the consequences of our actions and the future the past creates.  

And when it dissipates, it brings with it a new appreciation for the beauty lurking behind the smut. 

We're still waiting for that as it is just as bad today as yesterday. But that's okay. I don't need a filter. 

There's still flowers. 

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