Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Heartbreak and Heroes

You can find heroes in the most unlikely of places.  I found mine in a kennel in rural Point of Rocks, Maryland.  Dan Rice is a burly, chain smoking, outdoorsy, rough around the edges, dog man.  He breeds dogs, trains dogs, hunts with dogs, and competes with dogs.  He is not the dog whisperer.  He is an alpha.  Make that ALPHA.  And Dan saved Freyja's life just as surely as Mike and I.  When, in a last ditch attempt to fix Freyja's behavior problems, I found Braveheart Kennels on the internet, I was hopeful, but skeptical that she was even salvageable.   

During the initial interview, he asked me to list her problems and then asked me to list her strengths.  "She's beautiful," was all I could muster up.  

"That's it?" he asked.  And I broke down crying.  I was so stressed out by her behavior and aggression.  I didn't even love her.  She was a puppy and she was my adversary.

Dan, however, was pretty sure he could work with her, fix her, make her a great family dog.  When I came to pick her up after 6 long weeks, I was greeted by a complete turn around.  Freyja is a Dan Rice success story.  We have since recommended him to many people, all with the same great results.

Just as Dan saved her life, he will escort her out of this life and into the next.  He will fill her last days with sunshine and belly rubs.  He will pat her head and whisper, "Good girl," as she peacefully drifts off.  He has become my hero.

I got this letter today:

"All is good. Freyja is doing well. The pain meds have made her days much more tolerable.  She has good moments and always keeps an eye on Skadi. She loves our evening walk on the farm. But will

not stray very far from the kennel and Skadi. So we hang in the grass around the kennel. She goes to smell for a few minutes then she comes over to me, flops on the ground and begs me to rub her belly. While all

my dogs in the house look out the back door. But they're not jealous, Heather. It is like they all know she is not well. They know she has earned her place right now.

"We have taken some pictures. Anna is a pro photographer. I am hoping to get some great shots.

I'm still afraid to let the two girls play together until I get Skadi on the electric collar. I feel I can manage

her pain as long as the leg does not have a major trauma. So I am being extra careful.

"It has been an honor to reconnect with Freyja. I had no idea what a pleasure she is to be around. I always thought she was going to drive you nuts. So not true. She reflects you, Heather. She is a mom too. She shines with the love and attention to her herd. In her I see see your  caring and kindness that i did not  see before. Well done, Heather. Can't wait to see how you will mold and train Skadi. 

"Is it possible to skype at say 630 pm my time? I can control meds so she feels good and the kennels close at six so I will Not Be disturbed. Let me know if that is a possibility.

"We are going to get through this, Heather. I promise to do everything I can to make it as easy for all of us."

How exactly do you say "thank you" someone who has done so much for your family?  I'm at a loss.  But I am eternally grateful.  

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